"Unlock the Entire Fantasy Universe, 2,500 Enchanting PLR Coloring Page Prompts for Dwarves, Elves, Fairies, and More!"

"Multiply Your Profits and Dominate The Fantasy Coloring Page Market With This Exclusive Collection of 2,500 High-Quality Fantasy Prompts!"

Introducing the...

Mystical Creatures Coloring Page Prompts

Don't Miss Out On This Limited Offer, Order Now!

Explode Your Profit Potential With 2,500 Premium Prompts to Create High Quality Coloring Pages Like These...

All Prompts Work With Both ChatGPT's New Free Version and Midjourney Equally Well So Use the One You Prefer!

Stephen Brown
Hey there, Stephen here again with another package of high quality PLR coloring page prompts. These sets of prompts are going to let you expand your product line to include all the most loved magical and mythical creatures interacting with each other and with other mystical creatures. The prompt sets allow you unlimited access to the realm of fantasy and magic.

Just like the Baby Dragon and Dragon prompts, these Mystical Creatures Prompts can be monetized in many different ways. Rather you want to sell coloring pages, coloring books, prints or t-shirts, these 2,500 premium prompts will provide you with stunning, high quality images. You can create as many as you like, so you decide how much you want to bank from them and what kind of products you want to sell.

The hard work has already been done. All that's left is the fun part of creating great looking, in-demand coloring pages and books simply by copying and pasting the prompts into the AI. With the popularity of fantasy themed products higher than it's ever been, the time to get into the fantasy market is now. These prompts can be your fast track to tapping into the massive fantasy market giving you a running start and providing you with an almost endless supply of engaging images you can profit from.

Here's What You Get Today...

You Get 5 Sets of 500 Prompts Each

Elves World - 500 Prompts

Fairies, Pixies, Sprites, and Nymphs World - 500 Prompts

Griffin, Pegasus, Unicorn World - 500 Prompts

Dwarves World - 500 Prompts

Mystical Creatures World - 500 Prompts

All Prompts Come In PDF, Word and Text Format

Prompt Formats image

Put Your Creativity In Overdrive While Letting AI Do All the Hard Work For You With This Massive Collection of Finely Crafted Coloring Page Prompts!

AI can be a great time saver if you have your prompts sorted. On the other hand, trying to come up with good prompts while working with AI can be frustrating and very time consuming. Way too much one step forward, then two steps back. That's exactly why I crafted these prompts for you. All you need to do is select a prompt, copy it and then paste it into your AI and let the AI do it's thing.

That's a lot more fun, and a far more productive use of your time. Speaking of your time, you can use all the time you aren't spending fussing with prompts to create more products. And of course, the end result of more products is more profits.

Let the Whole Fantasy World Be Your Creative Inspiration

Order Today With Zero Risk

I'm so confident that you can and will make money marketing products created with these 2,500 Mystical Creature Prompts that I will let you take them on a "test drive" for a full 7 days with no risk to you. Order the 1,000 Dragon Prompts today and put them to use. If at any time during the next 7 days you are unhappy with the prompts contact me at my support email and every cent you paid will be promptly refunded.

This is Your Chance to Take The Shortest Path To The Cash

I can't make this any easier for you.  With this prompt package you are getting the power to create an almost unlimited amount of stunning fantasy images. You will be proud to put your name on the products you create using these high quality prompts. There's no trail and error, no testing required. The prompts are 100% done for you and ready to copy and paste into your preferred graphics AI.

There is no faster way to start creating valuable assets for your business that people are already waiting to buy. The market is there, all you need to do to start tapping into the profits is order you copy of these 2500 Premium Prompts and start creating your in-demand products.

The decision is yours. Continue as you are and stay in the same rut, or place your order today and start creating products that people are dying to buy from you.

Ready to Start Creating Your Mystical Creatures Empire?

Click the Add To Cart Button to Get Started Now!

Just $197


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Many Thanks For Your Valuable Time, and I'll See You in the Members Area...

Stephen Brown

Your Rights

You Have Unlimited Rights To Any Images You Create Using The Prompts

What You Can Do:

Yes - You May be used to create coloring pages, coloring books and other merchandise you can sell.

Yes - You May give away PDF with Personal Rights in exchange for an email opt in or as a gift to subscribers.

Yes - You May claim authorship.

Yes - You May sell the prompts in PDF format with Personal Rights only.

Yes - You May edit, re-name, and re-brand Prompts and sell with Personal Rights only in PDF.

Yes - You May add to Paid/Free membership sites with Personal Rights only in PDF.

Yes You May use the prompts as a bonus to promote other offers with Personal Rights in PDF only.

What You Can't Do:

No - You May Not give away prompts with PLR, Master Resale Rights (MRR) or Resale Rights (RR).

No - You May Not sell prompts with PLR.

No - You May Not sell the prompts with MRR.

No - You May Not sell the prompts with RR.

No - You May Not sell or give away the Source files (Word, Text) for the prompts.